
Common Questions Regarding Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture therapy may seem daunting to some (especially if you have a fear of needles!), though this tried and tested form of therapy is brilliant for assisting in a number of tricky situations. Originating and developing from a component of traditional Chinese medicine, this popular practice is perhaps a lot less complex and worrying than you would first imagine. Trusted specialists at Essex Physiotherapy Clinic Ltd administer acupuncture treatment on a daily basis, therefore we’re well-placed to answer some of the most common questions surrounding this stimulating treatment.

Can Anyone Receive Acupuncture Treatments?

Though acupuncture treatments are readily available for individuals of most ages and health conditions, there are some stipulations as to who can safely experience the treatment. The very young, elderly and vulnerable, alongside individuals with bleeding disorders may be deemed unsuitable for acupuncture. Surprisingly, pregnant women can safely be administered with acupuncture treatments, though this status should be disclosed before any treatment is administered. If you’re unsure of your status in regards to receiving treatment, consult this page for additional information.

Is It Painful Or Uncomfortable?

Generally speaking, no treatment will be completely painless due to the varying pain thresholds and skin sensitivity of recipients, though predominantly the only discomfort felt during acupuncture will amount to a tingling ache when the needles are inserted. Contrary to common belief, acupuncture needles will only be inserted lightly into areas of skin, and as the needles are very thin, the recipient of treatment will often not even feel these small objects. A member of staff will brief you on the acupoints before any treatment begins.

What Are The Benefits Of This Therapy?

Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system, casting aside the reputation that acupuncture doesn’t work or only works on a very basic level. These procedures are now often used in many NHS GP practices, as well as trusted pain clinics and hospices worldwide to treat pain. chronic long-term pain, tension-type headaches and migraines can all be treated with acupuncture, while joint pain, dental pain and postoperative pain may be remedied with a course of acupuncture therapy.

Are There Any Alternatives?

Alternatives to acupuncture for pain, tension relief and stress management include physiotherapy and massage therapy, both of which are offered by our Essex-based professionals. Many are turning towards online courses and mindfulness too, able to be performed in the comfort of your own home.

At Essex Physiotherapy Clinic Ltd, we offer a huge variety of beneficial physiotherapy treatments in a calm environment. Working with clients in an individualised manner, our offering includes home visits as well as online consultations when appropriate. If you’re seeking quality physiotherapy, we’re here to support your needs, so simply give us a call.

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