
What Are the Benefits of Massage Therapy?

Many of us are often stressed and sore, but very few actually do anything about it. Whether you’re experiencing muscle tension as a result of stress or physical pain due to an injury or medical condition, massage therapy can offer a number of benefits to us all. With a licensed massage therapist on your side, […]

Common Causes Of Lower Back Pain

Symptoms of lower back pain can be brought on by several factors. Often appearing suddenly, the pain is typically sharp or achy, leading to pain and stiffness in your back. There are many different injuries, conditions or illnesses that can result in intense lower back pain, and in this article, we take a closer look […]

Five Common Types Of Sporting Injury

There are several reasons for the occurrence of a sporting injury, with many parts of the body capable of being negatively affected by their impact. Here, we take a closer look at five of the most common sporting injuries one may encounter, and how best to deal with them. Strains and Sprains The two most […]

Five Poor Lifestyle Habits That Cause Lower Back Pain

It goes without saying that back pain can be excruciatingly painful, however, you might be surprised to find that your lifestyle habits can be a contributing factor to this pain. It is reported that around eight out of ten people will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their life so don’t worry, […]

What Conditions Can be Treated with Acupuncture?

Acupuncture uses needles to trigger specific points of the skin to heal a variety of conditions. It is an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach that is minimally invasive and stimulates nerve-rich areas of the skin surface. It works by creating a tiny injury at the insertion site, which is small enough to produce little to no […]

The Most Common Sports Injuries

There are so many benefits to playing sports and taking part in fitness activities whether that’s a kick-about with friends or a solo run. However, sport may also be putting your body at risk without you realising it. For the most part, injuries are unavoidable and can happen to anyone no matter how careful you […]

How Relaxation Techniques Can Benefit You

It’s certainly fair to say that some people find managing stress and anxiety a lot easier than others. If you are someone who finds it particularly difficult to relax, there are various techniques you can use to calm the mind and reduce the muscle tension that anxiety can cause. If however, the stress you are […]

What is Physiotherapy and When is it Necessary?

Physiotherapy is there to help you restore movement and function if you are affected by illness, injury or disability. It has a wide range of applications, being beneficial when recovering from a wide range of issues such as ankle pain, a stroke or even after a heart attack. It also has preventative qualities, helping to […]

A Physiotherapist’s Guide to Knee Pain

Knee pain is very common and can be very disruptive to your everyday life unless you address potential problems at an early stage. This guide outlines common knee pain symptoms, how you might’ve hurt your knee, and exactly how a physiotherapist can help you to recover your mobility and strength. Where the Pain Usually Comes […]

Relaxation Therapy for Frozen Shoulder Pain | Essex Physio

Discover how relaxation therapy from Essex Physiotherapy Clinic can help alleviate pain and stiffness associated with frozen shoulder and other conditions.

Preventing Sports Injuries: Tips from Essex Physiotherapy Clinic

Avoid common sports injuries like jumper’s knee, tennis elbow and frozen shoulder with these easy-to-follow tips from Essex Physiotherapy Clinic.

4 Overlooked Benefits of Physiotherapy

Learn about the benefits of acupuncture for pain management and how it can help alleviate tension headaches with Essex Physiotherapy Clinic.

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